Now what is this all about...? We all need to just kick back sometimes and smile and laugh and let the world trudge on. so this is our little area and we hope we can accomplish that. Just fun things to do and laugh at and make your day a little brighter...Enjoy

Our photo album, our ferrets and our friends


SAY IT, create your own wav,and put it on your page...TOO FUNNY!


SPORTS SCORE..We have them right here

*** is here, your state and your locality. This is a great site, check it out!


Kids say the darndest things..


Mad Libs..A word story you fill in


Lights Out


Mad Libs #2..A word story you fill in


See what the pets do when the lights are out


Cartoon of the Day


How about a contest, check these..




Make my day..PUSH me everyone else does




DADS RULES(for dating HIS daughter)


Black Jack


Your Fortune
