Welcome to the Vault. Please read the following so you will understand how to navigate through our site.
This is.."The Main Vault..", home of gold made by R&C
This bus will take you to.."R&C Gif Manor..", in which The Vault is located, here we have many gifs, contests, postcards, tools, awards, web rings, backgrounds and much more.
This bus will take you to.."The Vault 2..", here we have more gold, and silver also, the gold here is also made by R&C.
This bus will take you to our.."Internet Gold".. here we have gold that we have found around the internet...this is area is FREE for your use, to our knowledge there are no copyrights here. The Vault Button here will bring you here, the Home Button will bring you to R&C's Main Page
Here on our f-key we will feature Sites using our Gold, and also Feature a site from that f-key that we feel has something very special to offer you.
The home button on every page in this Vault will bring you back to this page, now on to our gold!! But don't forget come back here and and click on the "Main Vault Bus" and sign our "Guest Book"...please.
Now if a friend sent you this site, you might have missed this page, it contains our update list, add your site, the transloader, our e-mail addys, linking banners, rules for use,...and more importantly our Guest Book and we would love to hear from you..what you think and if you have any special requests.
COMING SOON.....This bus will take you to our.."Gold F-key Saver...and Our Featured Site..".
read ...read...READ...read...read...
These gems and gold have been mined by us, They are our own creations, copyrighted, and have usage restrictions. After you have taken what you would like all we ask is a link back to us, otherwise we might ask for it back. Please DO NOT add our original creations to any collections, they are not to be shown in original context on your site. If you don't want to give us credit for our hard work then please don't take anything. If you have any questions regarding this e-mail us first...Usage Inquiry
~Names in Gold~by R&C
~Names In Gold Index~over 100 names, different styles, transparent backs~
~Initials in Gold~by R&C
~Initials Sets~
~Special Words in Gold~by R&C
~Words and Phrases~
~Special Symbols~by R&C
~Symbols, Numbers, Site Headers, Gold Button, Stone Plaques~
~Lines in Gold~by R&C
~Lines, Bars, of all Kinds~
~Holidays~by R&C
~Holiday Gifs and Holiday Lines~
~Charms~by R&C
~Crosses, Hearts, Stars, Zodiacs, Loving Cups~
~Gems~by R&C
~Pearls, Accents, Fire Gems, Kalaiedescope Gems, Unique Jewlery~
~Around the House~by R&C
~Food, Household Items, People, Garage Items~
~Golden Elements~by R&C
~Music, Transportation, Communications, Weather~
~Animals and Things..??~by R&C
~Our Zoo, This n' That, What-Cha-Ma-Call-Its~